My plan is to raise the profile of Egyptian handicrafts in the modern world of global fashion by creating business plan to revitalize Egyptian handicrafts to empower artisans throughout Egypt. Hiring skilled manpower, provide awareness and training about latest technology and market trends and effective management.

Through training, better design, branding and marketing the
new fashionable Egyptian handicrafts using advance technology such as computer
software that help craftsmen for a better design, they can sell their products
internationally through well design websites for triple the current prices.
Also, through support from the mass media and advertisements using social media
such as Facebook, and YouTube, people’s awareness will be enhanced inside and
outside Egypt about the aesthetic values of handmade crafts. This will help
imbed the handicraft products in decorations inside and outside Egypt as a new
Furthermore, by creating a trademark that would be recognized by the customers as an original product that is made in Egypt, this industry would open new marketing links outside Egypt especially in developed countries such as USA, Canada, and EU.
The project will focus, as well, in developing distinctive handicrafts in training centers for skilled artisans on a village-by-village basis. Also, looking for investors to finance the project and leverage profits for Egypt’s craftsmen in billions of dollars worldwide. Furthermore, this project can provide technical and industrial school students and poor craftsmen with training and also give them the necessary materials to start their own small businesses and help them manage them in a way to develop more handmade products
Egyptian government should provide trademark owners with an Egyptian legal process to stop the import of counterfeit products and take those goods out of the Egyptian market. This legal process is an important step forward for handicrafts industry. The government should create also a an act to empower Egyptian Border Services Agency officials to target, detain and examine counterfeit goods at the Egyptian borders, whether imported into Egypt or exported from Egypt. Moreover government should take a zero tolerance against internal or external resources that facilitate counterfeiting. Without these actions from the government part, these counterfeits can be priced extremely competitively to handmade products and remaining vastly more profitable.
The new line of Egyptian handicrafts will target
customers in the world’s upper and middle classes who might find an interest in
Egyptian heritage and are willing to pay higher prices for higher quality
Egyptian products.
This plan can develop other sectors like retails, real estate that offers great requirements of handicrafts products, cost effective distribution development using both physical and electronic distribution networks. Thus, the plan can create jobs, generate more income and help the Egyptian export industry.

This plan can develop other sectors like retails, real estate that offers great requirements of handicrafts products, cost effective distribution development using both physical and electronic distribution networks. Thus, the plan can create jobs, generate more income and help the Egyptian export industry.
Producers in lagging areas can access better
information on prices they can get for their products. Small enterprises can
also market their handicrafts through web sites. Communities can attract
tourists to their unique cultural heritage and ecological diversity. This could
be the life track that will save the future of craftsmen in Egypt who had begun
to lose hope. With coordinated efforts and by implementing ICT in this industry,
locally relevant content and solutions can be widely spread within and among
lagging regions.